So we had many an adventure over the weekend! It all began, actually on Wednesday, when what appears to have been lightning struck our AC unit. Can we just say that not only was I totally uncomfortable but i have a 6 week old!!! Thursday we got someone to come out and look at it, THursday night, Chip had his first night away from home as we stayed with mom and dad while on Friday morning, they came and replaced the entire unit!!! Whew, what a few days that was!
Then Friday night we drove to Mobile to see Tony's family. Doug, Nat and Brady were in from Colorado and we spent Friday LATE night and all day Saturday wiht the family. we had such a great time!!! Coming home Saturday night was just as easy as driving down, but for one exception. Chip slept the whole way, not a peep the entire time to Mobile. On our way home, he got hungry in Chipley, right as we got off the interstate so it was 11:30 at night and we pulled over in a Wachovia parking lot so i could nurse him. That was kinda an adventure and then we made it home, crashed, and actually got up for church the next mornign. Tony led worship Sunday @ 9:45 alive and did a great job, and of course, Chip slept through that too! That afternoon, tony and i took a 2 3/4 hour nap and enjoyed every second of it! Now we're somewhat back into a routine that seems normal for us and Ive got a cold... i would lean toward the cause being exhaustion, what do you think!?!? All is well, here, though, and pictures are coming next.
The last fun thing that has happened since we've posted is that he is smiling now in response to you in the mornings! He is super alert and totally engaged in the mornings and will give you a grin that just melts your heart! He is really growing and just developing faster than we were prepared for! Before i know it he will be sitting up, crawling, and even walking! I'm getting as much loving done on him as i possibly can because this sweet infant stage is going away as fast as it came and i'm not going to have him this little ever again!
Hope all is well and that you're able to access all the pictures. Tony asked if i knew who all was looking at this and i don't so if you could let us know you are checking this by leaving a comment, i'd appreciate it. We want to make sure all the people we love and appreciate are seeing it and if not, that we can let them know about it. Thanks a ton and we love you all!!!