Friday, May 15, 2009

up and down

So his favorite thing to do lately is to be standing up on a piece of furniture and to go up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down... you get my drift. So he is, i think, learning the whole 'how to fall' thing. He sits and then gets up and then sits and then gets up. It is really cute. ALSO, he squeals like a little piglet. i'm giong to load a video of him scarfing some dinner fron yesterday at lunch in a few minutes after i post this. Tomorrow we are hoping to go to the lake with some frineds and that will be tons of fun pictures. Chips first time in a swimsuit!!! HOW CUTE!!!!! i'm so excited and hoping that it doesnt storm. Hope this finds you all doing well and will post the video in a second and post about the lake tomorrow.

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