Wednesday, March 18, 2009

well all is going really good around here. i wanted to post some statistics that people are asking about. Chip is now 8 1/2 months old weighing approx 17 lbs. he eats like a PIG and is just as busy as he can be. We've not gotten any teeth in yet but we're trying as hard and as miserably as we can! He isn't crawling just yet but knows that he wants to be able to get up and go but can't so that's a frustration to mommy and him to put him where he wants to be 'til he learns to get there himself. He is pulling up on anything that is sturdy enough and on his level so whether crawling or walking is going to come first, we'll have to wait and see. He is just beautiful with a strong personality... definitely knows what he wants and how he wants it, determined and a little stubborn, maybe... and a smile that melts your heart and a laugh that tickles you deep down.

I want to let everyone know that we've rescheduled his dedication for April 19th (the Sunday AFTER easter) at 8:30 cst at Covenant United Methodist Church on 84 west in Dothan. We've decided that if something goes wrong this holiday we are going to have the pastor come to our house and pray over him in the backyard and not invite anyone again! we don't want 3 to be a charm!!! Please let me know if you can make it because we are wanting to have a brunch at mom and dad's after church. call me or reply to this blog and let us know if you can come! hoping that this finds everyone doing well and hope to see and hear from all of you soon.


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