Sunday, November 11, 2012

pictures - fun times!

so what fun we have had in the last month since i have blogged. A fun 'thoughtful' blog will come soon, but for now i want to leave you with some fun pictures over the last few weeks. Enjoy!

Anticipating the Harvest Parade

keeping warm @ the Harvest Parade

PaPaw helped daddy put up a ROPE SWING!!!

going to see the Leaf Sucker

book before bed with PaPaw

Snuggling with GaGa at daddy's huntin lan


Playing in the stream

grabbing a quick bite!

watching Chip play in the stream

me and GaGa

3 generations of Sharp boys

rainy day painting 
S.W.A.T. Chip on his way!

my favorite in a long time ... a rest in the clothes basket

Hopscotch with daddy in the kitchen

Always take time to color in your jammies!

reading a quick book while mommy coupons

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