Tuesday, June 17, 2008

baby update

So this is going to be an all around baby update- from the room to the baby to even some much better pictures.

The baby's room is coming along quite nicely. We've gotten the dots on the walls, have bought a crib mattress, and have even painted the lettering of "All because two people fell in love" over the crib. We are coming down to the wire to get the border painted but it will all come in due time, i'm sure!

Baby is good and healthy. A little small according to the doctor but lets consider the size of this baby's mamma... i'm not too big myself. Baby weighs a little over 4 1/2 lbs but she is not worried about that at all. I've dialated 1.5 cm which, too, is no concern because i am 35 1/2 weeks along. We're hoping that baby will be as close to the full 40 weeks as possible just so that it can get its weight up but everything looks really good! Hope that you all are doing well and are getting as excited as we are... Tony's really ready to meet this little one as am i!!!

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